Interior Towing and Recovery

View Our Areas of Service

We provide towing and recovery services to the following Alaskan cities, towns and communities. If you don't see your location, please call 479-4255 to inquire!

Services covered in these locations include standard towing services; off road and challenging recoveries, private impounds, fleet account towing and more. We offer this reminder: if your location does not appear in either list, it is a great idea to give us a call anyway at 907-479-4255 and make an inquiry. As an important part of our dedication to serving Alaska residents with timely, safe and affordable services, we strive to meet the needs and requests of our customers even in out-of-the-way or off-the-beaten track locations. When at all possible, we would love to be the ones who handle your towing and recovery needs locally and state-wide.

Fairbanks Towing and Recovery Areas

Other Areas of Service in Alaska

99701 99744 - Anderson 99737 - Ft Greely
99709 99764 - Border city 99703 - Ft Wainwright
99708 99729 - Cantwell 99588 - Glenn
99712 99730 - Central 99756 - Manley
99706 99732 - Chicken 99760 - Nenana
99707 99733 - Circle 99758 - Minto
99710 99737 - Delta 99764 - Northway
99711 99755 - Denali State Park 99714 - Salcha
99775 99737 - Dot 99708 - Tok
99790 99702 - Eielson 99716 - Two Rivers
  99725 - Ester 99705 - North Pole

Towing, Recovery and Much More

Each member of our service and administrative support teams looks forward to helping you with all of your motor vehicle transportation needs. Call anytime day or night and we will serve you with the care and thoughtfulness you deserve.